LGC – Latino Greek Council

Welcome to the Latino Greek Council (LGC)


Latino Greek Council (LGC) SPRING 2025 RECRUITMENT - Fraternities and Sororities: Men’s Organizations & Women's Organizations (& Some are co-educational)

LGC is calling you! Meet the Latino Greek Council (LGC) and representatives from all active LGC fraternities and sororities, who will connect you to individual fraternity/sorority organization recruitment events, information sessions, and outlets to express your interest in joining.

** Come out to MEET LGC -- Meet the Latino Greek Council!

  • Thursday, January 30, 2025
    • UIC Student Center East (SCE)
    • First floor SCE Concourse, surrounding the Bookstore
    • 10:00am-2:00pm
  • Meet and get to know each individual LGC fraternity and sorority, at their tables on the Concourse by the Bookstore!
  • Stay connected to each individual fraternity's or sorority's upcoming chapter-based recruitment events and social media for more detailed information on each organization and how to come to each of their events.
  • Follow the Latino Greek Council's Instagram @lgc_uic to stay updated on individual chapter events they'll promote!

The Latino Greek Council (LGC) is a governing body for a group of fraternities and sororities for men and women, supporting Latinx (Latino/Latina) heritage, including some chapters that are co-educational.

Latino Greek Council (LGC)

Delta Psi Alpha Multicultural Co-Ed Fraternity, Inc. -- @dpsi_zeta
Delta Xi Phi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. -- @dxpdelta
Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority, Inc. -- @brillante_swans
Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. -- @lta_epsilongamma
Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. -- @uiclambdas
Omega Delta Phi Fraternity, Inc. -- @chicagoknights
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. -- @slg_sigma