GPAAC – Greeks of the Pan-Asian American Council
Welcome to the Greeks of the Pan-Asian American Council (GPAAC)
Greeks of the Pan-Asian American Council (GPAAC) RECRUITMENT - Men’s & Women's Organizations
Join us SPRING 2025 to meet the Greeks of the Pan-Asian American Council (GPAAC) exec board and representatives from all active GPAAC fraternities and sororities, who will share council-wide information, then connect you to individual fraternity/sorority organization recruitment events, information sessions, and social outlets throughout to follow.
GPAAC's SPRING 2025 Dates:
- GPAAC Recruitment: Meet GPAAC Organizations Informational
- Friday, January 24, 2025
- Student Center East (SCE), Room 713
- Take the SCE Tower Side Elevator up to the 7th floor, and then turn right, for Room 713
- 6:00pm-7:00pm
- Next, Individual Fraternity and Sorority Chapter recruitment events will then follow after GPAAC Recruitment, beginning on the night of Friday, January 24, 2025, and continue until each organization has concluded its individual recruitment event calendar, until the end of the month of January 2025.
- Connect individually with each organization from your time shared with them & stay current via the individual fraternity or social chapter social media accounts and promotions, for more detailed information on each.
- Follow the Greeks of the Pan-Asian American Council (GPAAC) Instagram @gpaac to stay updated on a broad array of council-based and chapter-based events and experiences!
The Greeks of the Pan-Asian American Council (GPAAC) is a governing body for a group of fraternities and sororities for men and women that further Pan-Asian American interests.
Greeks of the Pan-Asian American Council (GPAAC)
alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. -- @akdphi.uic
Alpha Phi Gamma National Sorority, Inc. -- @aphig_uic
Chi Sigma Tau National Fraternity, Inc. -- @cst.uic
Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc. -- @depsi_uic
Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. -- @dpo_mu
Kappa Pi Beta Fraternity, Inc. -- @kpib_uic
Theta Lambda Beta Fraternity, Inc. -- @uicthlb